Libra (तुला राशि) – Annual Predictions (Quarterly) 2014 | RiiTi : धर्म, त्योहार और संस्कार

If you are engaged in academic, intellectual, cultural or artistic pursuits, then you will have good progress. If you are in business, you will have it running very brisk. Your earnings will increase and so will be your acquisitions. If you are looking for a job, you may get an opportunity and receive a good offer.

You will be fortunate in many respects; some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and an ambition realized. You are likely to gain some favour and active assistance from people of noble descent, and also from people residing in distant or foreign places; you may find a new job or secure a lucrative promotion. You will be successful in all your endeavours, your earnings will increase and your domestic life will be happy and joyful. You may undertake a journey to a distant place on an academic, cultural or religious errand.
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Libra (तुला राशि) – Annual Predictions (Quarterly) 2014 | RiiTi : धर्म, त्योहार और संस्कार
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Gemini (मिथुन राशि) – Annual Predictions (Quarterly) 2014 | RiiTi : धर्म, त्योहार और संस्कार

Gemini (मिथुन राशि) – Annual Predictions (Quarterly) 2014 | RiiTi : धर्म, त्योहार और संस्कार: You must remain alert for safe-guarding your interests. You may have some problems at your workplace, and your subordinates/ employees revolting against you or going on a strike appears to be entirely possible. Rather than delivering commands, you should try to be more tactful and diplomatic – for the purpose of fufilling your objective. Your state of health might be somewhat deteriorated, as you might suffer from diarrhoea, dysentry, etc.
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Easy remedies for Planet Mars - मंगल ग्रह के अद्भुत उपाय

Mantra, Yantra and Remedies related to planet Mars
You should recite Rudrasuktam Path daily. Worship to Lord Hanuman and Bhairav regularly. Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily. If recitation of Rudrasuktam is difficult, recite following mantra for 28 times daily-

अघोरेभ्योऽथ घोरेभ्यो घोरघोरतरेभ्यः।
सर्वेभ्य-स्सर्वशर्वेभ्यो नमस्ते अस्तु रुद्ररूपेभ्यः॥

Easy remedies for Planet Mars

If you are worried due to financial losses, increasing debts, have fast on Tuesday regularly for one year. It can remove sign or house produced blemish of Mars.

If your child is suffering from bad effects of Mars and his / her health does not remain good or he/she doesn’t listen to you, you should recite ‘Mangal Kashta Nivarak’ mantra daily.

If you are getting hurt again and again due to Mars blemish, you should recite ‘Mangal Kavach’.
If you lack enthusiasm or are unable to express your thoughts or are very shot tempered, recite Mangal Gayatri mantra for 28 times.

If there is no peace at your home, recite following mantra for 108 times. If this recitation is done by chief of home or his wife, chances of getting benefits are more.
ॐ हां हां सः खं खः |
If relation with your spouse is not very harmonious, recite Sunderkand of Ramcharitmanas.
If health of your spouse is not good, recite ‘Mangal Kashta Nivaran’ mantra for 8 times daily.

Use of roots to pacify the malefic effects of Mars
There are several methods of distress pacification of planets like donation, recitation of mantra, wearing of gem etc. Wearing of roots is also an easy method for it and it is beneficial too.

Dig up and bring the roots on day related to planet during any auspicious time. Before digging up any root, invite after smoldering the Dhoop and pouring water in it in previous evening. Then dig it up next day before sun rise without using any tool. Root should not cut with any tool.

For Mars, wear the root of Anantmool or cactus around your neck, arm or waist on Tuesday or during Mrigshira, Chitra or Ghanishtha castellation during sunrise after sewing it in red cloth.

Fasting (Vrata) for Planet Mars

It may be little difficult for many people to recite hymn (Mantra) properly. Having fast on the ruling day of troublesome planet is an easy remedy for them. You should have fast on Tuesday to diminish the inauspicious effect of Mars. Fast should start from first Tuesday of ascending moon (Waxing Moon) of Jyeshtha month. This fast should perform minimum for 21 Tuesdays and maximum for 45 Tuesdays. If it is possible, you can have fast for long life. Having only juggery and Halwa will be better during fast. You may distribute Halwa among poor according to your capacity. Before breaking the fast, you should wear red clothes and recite Beej mantra or Tantrik mantra of Mars for 108, 540 or 756 times (1, 5 or 7 rosaries).

According to your available time, you should feed Gud to bull. If you have this fast, you will become debt free, get child and devastate your enemies. On last Tuesday perform Holocaust withHawan and donate Red Cloth, Copper, Masoor, Gud and Coconut to poor people as per your capacity.
As you sow, so as you reap – you will get results according to your actions. You will get mental peace, happiness and prosperity due to your good deeds. On the contrary, you may face various kinds of problems in your life due to bad deeds.

Bath & Donation for planet Mars
You should take bath from water after mixing red sandal or Belpatra in it. Donation of red flowers,red sandal, ghee, wheat, Masoor or copper vessel filled with bettle nut makes Mars happy.

Hawan stuffs used to pacify the malefic effects of planet Mars
To get rid from inauspicious results of planet, Hawan is a significant remedy. Materials used in Hawan is enough beneficial. These stuffs make surroundings holy along with pacifying planet. Hawan stuffs contain several kinds of roots and herbs and due to this reason its ashes is also very beneficial and alleviate the some diseases totally.

Materials : Jasmine oil, Kumkum, Dry Ginger
Roots: Saunf, Nag Jivha, Anantmool

Yantra for Planet Mars
Draw yantra on birch by using red sandal, Ashtgandh or sandal mixed with saffron by pen made of gold, silver, basil or pomegranate. Yantra can be drawn on gold, silver or copper. But these types of yantras can be worshiped only. For wearing purpose, always draw yantra on birch only.


Yantra should always wear in an amulet made of gold, silver or copper. Yantra should be made by person who is wearing sacred thread. In this way, Yantra becomes more powerful and gives fullimpact on wearer.

Are you a Mangalik? Read more on Mangalik Dosh: Effect & Remedies

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Pisces - Transit of Planets - Forecasts for Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2013

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may feel uneasy owing to excessive heat-generation in the body and may suffer from some minor ailments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may become somewhat argumentative and people may brand you as a quarrelsome person. You should remain very careful and ensure that you do not antagonize government officials; otherwise, you may become a victim of their wrath.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit and you will be fortunate in many respects. In competition or competitive examination, contest, dispute or quarrel -- whatever it is -- you are sure to become the victor. Your enemies will be vanquished and you will feel relaxed by having termination of strife. You will remain in good health, be successful in all your efforts, and will have gains from more than one sources.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have things turning to your advantage. You will receive favours and benefits from others -- including your in-laws, and you will have access to other peoples' accumulated funds for investment purposes. Your family-life will be happy and joyful; some of your relatives may arrive at your place and/ or you may go to a relative's place for enjoying a few days. Your children, with their progress in extra-curricular activities, will become a source of pride to you.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you are better advised to lie low and go slow, and allow the spell to pass over. You are likely to have differences and misunderstandings with your close relations, for which you may feel very dejected and unhappy. If other planets are also not in favour, then you may face humiliations from close acquaintances, may have some fear from animals roaming on the roads or receive minor injury as a result of impact, slipping or fall.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you should remain very careful and cautious. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may get entangled in a serious dispute with a powerful and influential person, and you may remain in fear of losing your position and honour. The developments at your workplace might be quite disturbing, your progress may come to a standstill, and your prospect may appear to be bleak. You should try to cross over the bad patch of time by lying low and going slow.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is not at all a favourable transit and it will be advisable for you to lie low and go slow, and let the dark cloud pass over. You are likely to have a troublesome period ahead, and may have to face many problems arising from various sources. Your spouse or you may suffer from some health-complication, which may become aggravated intermittently and finding full cure may appear to be difficult. The developments at your workplace might be quite discouraging and your earnings may become reduced. You should also avoid having any disputes with the govt.-authorities.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not at all favourable, as the results are quite akin to Saturn's unfavourable transit through the 12th from Moon-sign; you may find difficulty owing to blockage of funds or may even incur some losses -- owing to misplaced trust. You should remain very careful and keep a clean slate in case of tax-matters; otherwise, you could be embracing troubles. Some of your family members may start asserting their differences with you in almost all important matters and frequently you may have to change your decisions in order to appease them.
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Aquarius - Transit of Planets - Forecasts for Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2013

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may be temporarily separated from your relations. If you are having expectations from people residing in distant places, then you may meet with disappointments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may face some untoward developments, be humiliated and undergo acute mental depression. This transit is however favourable for the health and well-being of your mother.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Mars, and you should remain very careful and cautious; you should try your level best to avoid direct conflicts and quarrels of every sort. The relationship with your spouse and/ or with your business-partner (if any) might become deteriorated, and people in general may appear to you as have become far more aggressive and very demanding. You may have some disagreements with the authorities and they might prove to be unforgiving. Besides, you may suffer from some minor ailments like stomachache, eye-disease, etc.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you must not forget to keep your fingers crossed -- and mouth shut; otherwise, you would only unnecessarily invite troubles of typical sorts. You may face some impediments; without losing patience and without mixing up sixes and sevens together, you have got to weed them out one by one. You have to walk over this muddy patch with a bit of extra care, and try to find solace by thinking that a period full of promises is just a step away.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit, and Jupiter will shower you with his choicest blessings. You will be fortunate in many respects; some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and an ambition realized. You are likely to gain some favour and active assistance from the influential people; you may find a new job or secure a lucrative promotion. If you are in love with someone, then 'U-2' will come closer to each other. If you are married, you may have a child-birth; if you have grown-up children, then they will become a source of happiness and add to your joy.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and full of blooming possibilities. To begin with, you will regain your sense of safety by virtue of moving in a high circle, and obtaining promises for protection from the persons strolling in the corridors of power. New horizons may open up for you; you can easily discover a fertile field and a beneficial environment for your own progress. You would gain recognition for your merit and talents, and your earnings will reach a new high. You will become increasingly popular in the circle of your friends and acquaintances as well.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Rahu, and you should remain very careful and cautious. Your expectations from a person residing in a distant place may become spoilt owing to some sudden and unexpected developments. Besides, you may have some disappointments and uncertainties may becloud your prospects. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may have mounting losses, and in the worst possible case, you may become a victim of a calamitous cause, political or social turmoil, or some abrupt change in government policies.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; your life will be joyful and bright with happiness. You will become very courageous, active and enthusiastic; you may take up new assignments and complete them successfully in time. In connection with your profession, you may have many journeys to short distance places, meet and hold discussions with many new people, and return back home with filled bags, which hold promises for the future. If you are a contractor, C&F agent or order-supplier, then you may have many new opportunities knocking your door in close succession.
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