Pisces - Transit of Planets - Forecasts for Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2013

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may feel uneasy owing to excessive heat-generation in the body and may suffer from some minor ailments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may become somewhat argumentative and people may brand you as a quarrelsome person. You should remain very careful and ensure that you do not antagonize government officials; otherwise, you may become a victim of their wrath.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit and you will be fortunate in many respects. In competition or competitive examination, contest, dispute or quarrel -- whatever it is -- you are sure to become the victor. Your enemies will be vanquished and you will feel relaxed by having termination of strife. You will remain in good health, be successful in all your efforts, and will have gains from more than one sources.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have things turning to your advantage. You will receive favours and benefits from others -- including your in-laws, and you will have access to other peoples' accumulated funds for investment purposes. Your family-life will be happy and joyful; some of your relatives may arrive at your place and/ or you may go to a relative's place for enjoying a few days. Your children, with their progress in extra-curricular activities, will become a source of pride to you.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you are better advised to lie low and go slow, and allow the spell to pass over. You are likely to have differences and misunderstandings with your close relations, for which you may feel very dejected and unhappy. If other planets are also not in favour, then you may face humiliations from close acquaintances, may have some fear from animals roaming on the roads or receive minor injury as a result of impact, slipping or fall.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you should remain very careful and cautious. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may get entangled in a serious dispute with a powerful and influential person, and you may remain in fear of losing your position and honour. The developments at your workplace might be quite disturbing, your progress may come to a standstill, and your prospect may appear to be bleak. You should try to cross over the bad patch of time by lying low and going slow.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This is not at all a favourable transit and it will be advisable for you to lie low and go slow, and let the dark cloud pass over. You are likely to have a troublesome period ahead, and may have to face many problems arising from various sources. Your spouse or you may suffer from some health-complication, which may become aggravated intermittently and finding full cure may appear to be difficult. The developments at your workplace might be quite discouraging and your earnings may become reduced. You should also avoid having any disputes with the govt.-authorities.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is not at all favourable, as the results are quite akin to Saturn's unfavourable transit through the 12th from Moon-sign; you may find difficulty owing to blockage of funds or may even incur some losses -- owing to misplaced trust. You should remain very careful and keep a clean slate in case of tax-matters; otherwise, you could be embracing troubles. Some of your family members may start asserting their differences with you in almost all important matters and frequently you may have to change your decisions in order to appease them.

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