Leo - Transit of Planets - Forecasts for April 15 to May 15, 2013

Monthly Prediction for Leo (Moon Sign)

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may be temporarily separated from your relations. If you are having expectations from people residing in distant places, then you may meet with disappointments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may face some untoward developments, be humiliated and undergo acute mental depression. This transit is however favourable for the health and well-being of your mother.

The Moon in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have a really satisfying time for a couple of days. You will be successful in your attempts, and your suggestions/ advice for improvement will be unconditionally accepted by virtue of the strength of public support. You may undertake a new task, upon successful completion of which you can look forward to  receiving approbation.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; your state of health might be badly affected. Although your mother will remain in good health, the health and well-being of your father may cause you some concern. You may receive some unfavourable news from a distant place, or have a fruitless journey to such a place. If a natural malefic planet is also crossing over the same sign, then you may incur losses and suffer humiliation from unexpected sources.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you must not forget to keep your fingers crossed -- and mouth shut; otherwise, you would only unnecessarily invite troubles of typical sorts. You may face some impediments; without losing patience and without mixing up sixes and sevens together, you have got to weed them out one by one. You have to walk over this muddy patch with a bit of extra care, and try to find solace by thinking that a period full of promises is just a step away.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not at all favourable; you should wake up from your dreams and come back to the real world. All on a sudden, you may realize that the good 'old' days appear to have been gone and your progress is being hindered by a series of obstacles; you may lose your credibility and honour, and the fear of losing your position might take you on the verge of total despair. The health of your children might also cause you some concern. However, if other planets are in favourable transit, then the situation will be modified for the better, and problems won't be too many.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit; you should remain very careful and cautious. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may get entangled in a serious dispute with a powerful and influential person, and you may remain in fear of losing your position and honour. The developments at your workplace might be quite disturbing, your progress may come to a standstill, and your prospect may appear to be bleak. You should try to cross over the bad patch of time by lying low and going slow.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; your life will be joyful and bright with happiness. You will become very courageous, active and enthusiastic; you may take up new assignments and complete them successfully in time. In connection with your profession, you may have many journeys to short distance places, meet and hold discussions with many new people, and return back home with filled bags, which hold promises for the future. If you are a contractor, C&F agent or order-supplier, then you may have many new opportunities knocking your door in close succession.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Ketu, and you should remain very careful and cautious. Your expectations from a person residing in a distant place may become spoilt owing to some sudden and unexpected developments. Besides, you may have some disappointments and uncertainties may becloud your prospects. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may have mounting losses, and in the worst possible case, you may become a victim of a calamitous cause, political or social turmoil, or some abrupt change in government policies.

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