Scorpio - Transits of Planets - Forecasts for November 1 to November 15, 2013

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may not remain in good health. You may have fruitless journeys to dshort-distance places or may have a transfer to an inconvenient place. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may have quarrels with your friends and colleages. Your children may not remain in good health and you are likely to meet with some wasteful expenditures or incur some losses.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you should curb your over-optimism and enthusiasm. Things may appear to take a queer turn and there are some chances that you may become a victim of criticism from unexpected quarters -- inspite of no fault of your own. Success might prove to be illusive you, and you may feel very tired and weary. You should, however, keep in your mind that this phase is only temporary, and brighter days are just ahead of you -- when you will be able to express yourself.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and you would do better to let the storm pass over by lying low and going slow. In respect of making any speculative investment, you must think more than twice beforehand. Owing to blockage of funds, you may find much of difficulties to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also in unfavourable transit, then you may face a crucial situation, and may have to borrow from your friends for retaining your position intact.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign. This transit is quite unfavourable and you should remain very careful and cautious. You may become prone to falling sick, or face a minor accidental mishap. You may have a spell of bad luck, incur some losses and face a critical situation owing to some sudden and unexpected developments. You may have some tiring journeys, which may not bear any result except bringing in disappointment. You may develop a sense of helpless-ness, and improvement in the state of affairs in general may appear to be a distant dream to you.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will be fortunate in many respects. You will have gains from various sources, and your family life will be very joyful and happy. You may receive funds from a major financial institution, and you may have a costly acquisition, which will increase your comfort and improve your life-style. You may also spend some money for interior and/ or exterior decoration of your dwelling house.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. You may face many problems owing to some decrease of earnings and improper of funds; incurring some minor losses also appears to be quite possible. You should therefore remain careful in respect of monetary dealings. Your family-members might become somewhat self-centered and/ or emotional, while at the same time becoming quite impatient as well; emotional outbursts might become frequent and even minor quarrels may break out in your family. You may lack peace of mind and satisfaction; you may find no way out, and feel quite miserable and helpless.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 6th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; you will have good gains from various sources, have victory over your enemies and attain an envious position in the circle of your contemporaries. Although your actions may not be completely above board, these will spell success, as the end justifies the means; you are likely to attract the attention of many and your popularity will reach a new high. Although some of your relatives (particularly, maternal) may not remain in good health; but in respect of your parents, the transit will prove to be quite beneficial.

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