Leo - Transit of Planets - Forecasts for Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2013


The Sun in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; you may acquire a new position or secure improvement in the existing one. You will remain in good health, be successful in your endeavours and have influx of wealth. Your enemies will be fully subdued and you will feel very happy. You should resist the temptation to go for punishing your enemies, as they might opt for settling their score in near future. However, this transit is not favourable for your younger co-born, one of whom might fall sick.

Mars in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you should try to retain your cool. Your mind is likely to be filled with dejection and you are prone to become too angry too soon. You may have quarrels with some of your relatives -- particularly with a younger co-born -- and the relationship may come under strain. If some other planet is also in unfavourable transit, then you may even have separation from relatives. Physically, you may feel indisposed owing to excessive heat-generation in the body and/ or blood impurities.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is very unfavourable, and you should remain very careful and cautious. Some of your younger siblings/ cousins, or friends/ colleagues or even neighbours might cause you annoyance. You may receive a letter or a communication, which might make you irritated. You should think twice before finalizing any deal, or putting signature on a document or statement for ensuring that no error or mistake remains therein.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit, and the duration (of about a year) will be joyful and bright with happiness. The gloomy clouds, which had been looming large in recent past, will clear away and you will regain your optimism and enthusiasm. You will have success in all your efforts, your earnings will receive a boost and you will have gains from more than one source. Your popularity will increase and your circle of friends and acquaintances will become more widened.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This transit is very favourable; you will be fortunate in many respects, and will be successful in all your efforts. You will have good gains from more than one source, including speculative investments, entertainment fields and artistic/ creative works. You will have harmonious mind, loving thoughts, pure emotions, religious intelligence and wide sympathies. If you are in love with someone, then you may secure a ticket to paradise; if you are married already, then a heavenly stork may bring in a thing of beauty, which will be a joy for ever.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit; your life will be joyful and bright with happiness. You will become very courageous, active and enthusiastic; you may take up new assignments and complete them successfully in time. In connection with your profession, you may have many journeys to short distance places, meet and hold discussions with many new people, and return back home with filled bags, which hold promises for the future. If you are a contractor, C&F agent or order-supplier, then you may have many new opportunities knocking your door in close succession.

Ketu in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Ketu, and you should remain very careful and cautious. Your expectations from a person residing in a distant place may become spoilt owing to some sudden and unexpected developments. Besides, you may have some disappointments and uncertainties may becloud your prospects. If other planets are also not in favourable transit, then you may have mounting losses, and in the worst possible case, you may become a victim of a calamitous cause, political or social turmoil, or some abrupt change in government policies.

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