Aries - Transits of Planets - Forecasts for November 1 to November 15, 2013

The Sun in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and it can bring in disorders of the digestive system and discomfort in the region of rectum. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may have some fruitless and wearisome journeys and useless disputes with your contemporaries. This transit is not favourable for your spouse, whose health-condition might cause you some concern.

Mars in transit is crossing over the 5th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are likely to face problems arising from various sources. You may get into some serious difficulties with your superiors/ authorities and may run the risk of becoming a victim of their wrath. You may have some deep-rooted unsatiated desires, which you may seek to be satisfied -- but by tarnishing your reputation in the process. Your relatives may criticize and blame you and your children may cause you mental anguish.

Mercury in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you should remain on the alert. Chances are there that you might be duped by a smooth-talking broker or agent or middleman; alternately, you might be milked by a cunning lawyer. You should try to avoid getting into any dispute -- particularly with the people having a strong academic or intellectual background, whose pen is mightier than sword! You may meet with some opposition from your spouse or business-partner, whom you will have to pacify tactfully.

Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This is the most adverse transit of Jupiter, and you should remain very careful and cautious; otherwise, you are likely to have a change or transfer to an inconvenient place, for which you might not only lose satisfaction, but also may lack peace of mind altogether. If other planets are also not in favour, then you may lose your status, have separation from a close relative, friend or associate; besides, you may face many impediments and suffer from sickness.

Venus in transit is crossing over the 9th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit. Dame fortune will be smiling on you and will bestow brilliant success in all your endeavours; if you are engaged in any creative or artistic pursuits, you can produce a wonderwork of surpassing merit and quality. You may look forward to receiving benefits and active assistance from people residing in a distant place. If you have the inclination, then you may also secure an opportunity of touring a faraway place for pleasure and profit.

Rahu in transit is crossing over the 7th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and you should remain very careful and cautious. You should remain on the alert -- particularly in respect of new acquaintances, and more so if such a person belongs to the opposite gender; any apparently bright scheme or plan forwarded by such a person may have the veritable potential of leading you to the brink of a sink-hole. The health-condition of your spouse may cause you some serious concern -- this will be more so if a solar eclipse happens to fall in this place, and the eclipse occuring during daytime is visible from your place of birth.

Ketu in transit is crossing over your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you are likely to suffer from some disease, which may become aggravated intermittently. Your environments might become inharmonious owing to sudden change of circumstances. The developments at your workplace may become quite discouraging, and the deteriorating health-condition of your spouse may cause you some serious concern. You may become pretty confused or even upset. If some other planets are also in unfavourable transit, then you may not get back any money you have lent to others and/ or may not be able to repay the sum you may have borrowed back to others.

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